
21世纪的第二个十年即将结束, I’m reflecting on those unique “Academy” 时刻s that are indelibly imprinted on my memory. 为了让你开心,这里有10件我将永远记住的事情.

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10. 周诗情画意
The visual arts are magical to me: I just cannot understand how someone turns a blank canvas into something beautiful. 多年来,我爱上了许多学生的作品, 而玛克辛代表学院的作品是我一直以来的最爱之一. 她好心地把它卖给了我, but by then I had forgotten how truly large it is — it’s more than seven feet long! 把它裱起来之后, 蒂姆·巴特勒和我扛着它走了几个街区回到学校, 阻断了交通,并在密尔沃基一带创造了相当不错的景象, 奥格登, 和芝加哥大道. 虽然我很想把它放在我的公寓里, it will live at school forever — it’s in the recording studio now — because it’s just too big to move!

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9. 停电了
我很确定是在2015年11月突然停电的. 未被吓住, 并认为ComEd会很快恢复服务, 我们继续上课和排练. 一个小时变成了两个小时,然后两个小时变成了四个小时. Eventually — realizing that it gets dark quickly in November — we made the decision to close school early and send everyone home. 我一层一层地宣布, 就在我让剧院和音乐剧收拾东西的时候, 砰——灯又亮了. 我要告诉你的是:告诉140人精疲力尽一点也不好玩, 压力山大的学生们得知学校刚刚被取消了

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8. 玛丽·香菜的圣诞树
“整栋楼的人都心情不好。. 12月的一天,葛拉薇说:“这是你的错. 我想一棵圣诞树就能解决这个问题.她眨了眨眼睛. 我知道我有麻烦了.

在几分钟内, 她动员了, and I started receiving dozens of texts from students and alums: Christmas tree emojis. 圣诞树的图画. 圣诞树照片.

All day, Mary smiled bright as the sun and with fake innocence in her voice. “我好像听到你的电话在响.” All night, my phone buzzed hundreds of times with the full might of the Caraway Army. 大发彩票平台圣诞树的故事. 大发彩票平台圣诞树的歌曲. 大发彩票平台圣诞树的电影.


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7. 下雪了
在2012年的冬天, Pam Jordan put me in charge of deciding when to close school because of weather. 在第一场暴风雪期间, students — exhausted and desperate for a break — got the idea to inundate me with “it’s snowing” texts. That quickly turned into tradition, and now I get blasted with messages the 时刻 任何暴风雪的第一片雪花都会落下.下午3点的时候很可爱. It’s a whole other story when my phone explodes with 100 texts at 3:00 *in the morning*.)

6. 巴克·布鲁的傀儡军队
很少有地方能像凌晨两点的闹鬼大楼那样让人焦虑.m. 一年几次, the Theatre Department’s fire escape door pops open from the wind and trips the alarm, 必须有人(就是我)来学校解决这个问题. 2010年12月, 我发现自己在漆黑的剧院里缓慢地前进, listening to the fire escape door slam open and shut behind the curtains — wind howling everywhere, 窗帘向四面八方飘动.

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There was no way to fix the problem without detouring through the costume shop. 据说每家剧院都闹鬼, 但我不相信有鬼,除非在凌晨两点, 在学院, 在剧院. 我很紧张.

我慢慢地越来越靠近安全出口的门, 听着它在风中吱吱作响,撞在墙上. And then… My flashlight found the army of larger-than-life puppets Buck Blue had built for 圣诞颂歌. 我吓得差点晕过去. 圣诞颂歌 是我们做过的最酷的事之一吗. But to this day I still get chills remembering how terrifying those figures where that cold, 漆黑的夜晚.

5. 繁星闪烁的夜晚,
In 2012, Media 艺术 junior Alex Girav made a deeply moving film that I’ve been talking about ever since.

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In 繁星闪烁的夜晚,,亚历克斯讲述了一个母亲去世的小男孩的故事. 他和父亲住在一间非常荒凉的公寓里, 他们俩都在拼命想办法应付. The little boy is obsessed with the idea of space travel: he spends his days dressed in a space suit playing with his spaceship toys; before bedtime he stares out the windows, 凝视着夜空中的星星. 他渴望逃离:真的, 来自地球, 象征着他所感受到的巨大损失.

这部电影非常有效果. 它既令人心碎又充满希望,苦乐参半又快乐. At its premiere, the audience cried and laughed, everyone touched by Alex’s prodigious empathy. I remember thinking then – and have repeated often since — this is what art is for.

Whenever I have the opportunity to speak to an audience about why the arts are so critical in our lives, 我谈论的是 繁星闪烁的夜晚,. (Alex was kind enough to allow me to tell this story in my recent TED Talk 生活在卓越、目标和激情的交汇处.)

4. 拳碰/ 伴我左右
We see life-changing art so often 在学院 that it almost becomes routine. 每个星期, 在每个部门, 学生们正在证明他们的作品具有鼓舞人心的力量, 统一, 拓宽视野, 治愈, 发出声音, 动员, 并带来欢乐.

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在我27年的社区生活中, 我深受这六个学科的影响. 玛克辛的《大发彩票平台登录》摘要, 安东尼特·哈茨菲尔德的毕业作品, 阿肯雅·西摩在大四那年唱的每一个音符, 加布·德利扮演的克里斯托弗 夜间狗的离奇大发彩票平台登录唐学友的 La Planete,整个剧组 拉格泰姆我还能说出100多个.

So, it’s near impossible to pick one 时刻 to represent all of the stunning work y’all have produced in this place. 但是,我会努力的. 兰迪·邓肯的 伴我左右 is one one of the most iconic pieces every performed by our our dance department, 乔伊·马萨雷利和CJ·约翰逊之间的这一刻是完美的, 欢快的结尾,这样一个充满活力的作品.

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3. 贾斯汀·特朗特的颁奖典礼致辞(“Be他妈的有备无恐”)
过去十年有太多贾斯汀·特朗特的时刻了——真的, 从90年代末开始,那绝对是令人难忘的, 他在艾滋病慈善会上的表现, 贾斯汀·特朗特录音室的开幕典礼, to his performance of “Cake By The Ocean” and some of his other hits at Showcase in 2016.

但有一段记忆不仅是我职业生涯中最美好的夜晚之一, 但这是我一生中最美好的夜晚之一. We presented Justin with our “Legacy and Leadership Award” at our Gala last spring, 他那令人难以置信的演讲引起了笑声, 眼泪, 还有当之无愧的掌声. His remark "Simply being joyful is an act of resistance" made the speech an instant classic.

2. 革命!
In 2010, virtuoso filmmaker Jack Dunphy made a Media 艺术 bumper (the “turn off your cell phones” video that starts off their shows) that he called a “love letter to The Academy”.

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The film tells the story of a group of Academy students who revolt to get better bathrooms. 计划成功了, and — emboldened by their success — the students start revolting for everything they want. “If anyone wants anything from Old Man Patera, now’s the time to ask for it — HE’S GONE SOFT!杰克喊道。.

很快, 学生们什么都有:平板电视, 月亮鞋, 弹簧, 按摩, 教师授课, 甚至是一个没有保险杠的媒体艺术展. 但是事情变得非常糟糕, culminating in Tynan and Deprez interrupting the show by talking — to each other — on their cell phones. 心烦意乱的卡特逃离了大楼,却撞见了胡安. Juan consoles her with his wisdom, and convinces her to reinstate the Media 艺术 bumper. 胡安又一次力挽狂澜.

The film is, of course, exceptionally well-made and hysterical from start to finish. It’s also a true celebration of the cast of characters (from John CIbula to Tim Tynan to Juan) and the setting (our old but beloved building) that make this community so special.

杰克,谢谢你做这个. (安息吧,约翰·奇布拉.)

1. 玛丽·葛拉薇,《大发彩票平台登录》和《大发彩票平台》
Sometimes we need to experience deep pain in order to fully appreciate the beauty in the world around us.

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去年4月,奥斯卡历史上最痛苦的一天发生了, 当我们敬爱的玛丽·卡拉威去世时. I didn’t even try to not sob in front of the students and faculty when I told them the news. 我这辈子从来没这么伤心过.


我们的社区以真实而有力的方式走到了一起. 我们取消了课程,只是为了和彼此在一起. 一个编织小组成立了. 老师和学生一起做折纸. 一些学生搭起了玛丽的圣诞树.

天后, several dozen students gathered around the piano in our lobby to sing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" while dancers improvised to the music. 在喧闹的爵士乐中, music senior Adam Chlebek worked his way into an emotional solo rendition of "伴我左右,所有观众都跟着唱了起来.

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这就是艺术的意义所在. We don't teach or learn art because it raises test scores or makes us better collaborators. 我们教或学艺术不是因为我们希望它能让我们富有或出名. We teach and learn art because art makes our lives better — and in times of heartbreak, 至少可以忍受一点.

在警校,我们总是互相照顾. 玛丽·卡拉威从未停止照顾我们所有人.